SPIEGEL: Mr. Gerhardt, the negotiations on Iran's atomic program have stalled, and Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has now warned the US to take "the military option off the table." Do you agree with this demand?
Gerhardt: If the chancellor fears the situation might not be resolved peacefully, then he should be getting on a plane immediately to visit the US president instead of voicing such speculation during an election campaign.
SPIEGEL: But isn't the combination of European diplomacy and US threats the solution to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb?
Gerhardt: That will only work if this crisis diplomacy is conducted by statesmen, who would not bring up the matter during an election campaign. Schröder lacks artistry in his foreign policy. He talks a good game in public, but international diplomacy is not so easily swayed."
PS: Não quero acreditar que isto (também aqui) possa ser verdade. É o desespero elevado a níveis jamais vistos.
Miguel, tomaste conta do feudo...foi intencionado ou apanhado desprevenido? É que se o resto da equipa não te ajuda, no minimo, vai ao sindicato!Ajudem-no Homem...se bem que não te tens andado a postar mal!Abraço
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